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This is a specialized variant of the QUIC Interop Runner. Usually it is used to test the interoperability of QUIC implementations. Here we exploit the great work of Marten Seemann to run satellite measurements on all of these client and server implementations.

The satellite link emulation uses this ns-3 scenario. Parameters are:

T / terrestrial SAT / sat SATL / satloss
File Size 10 MiB 10 MiB 10 MiB
RTT 20 Mbps (symmetric) 20 Mbps (forward link) / 2 Mbps (return link) 20 Mbps (forward link) / 2 Mbps (return link)
Loss Rate 0 % 0 % 1 % (uniform random)

This are the results of our regular long-term measurements. Here are the results as published in our paper.

In the following tables, results for client implementations are shown horizontally, results for server implementations are shown vertically. The results were obtained with QUIC version .

It is straightforward to add your implementation to this automated testing effort; please see these simple instructions.

This work has been supported by the BMWi on the basis of a decision by the German Bundestag It is part of the QUICSAT project. A pre-print paper is available on and a more verbose master's thesis is available here. Please cite the paper to reference this work.

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